Fiber Schmiber
Why prunes are the sh!t
Sure, fiber is great. The FDA recommends 28 grams daily intake for adults. This is the equivalent of a cup of brussel sprouts + a potato (with the skin on) + 1 cup of raspberries + 1 cup of quinoa + one pear + one apple (yup, with the skin on) + 1 cup of sunflower kernels, or a little over 3 cups of boiled peas (if you really want to punish yourself).
According to the Harvard School of Public Health website, fiber does things such as “helps regulate the body's use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check”.
And yes, fiber does get things going in the digestive department. But why are prunes singled out for this purpose? Do they contain more fiber than other fruits or veggies? Nope. While they do have fiber - about 3 grams per serving - the magic is a natural sugar called sorbitol, plus a couple of other naturally occurring compounds that are particularly concentrated in prunes compared to other fruits and vegetables.
Sorbitol helps to work as a laxative by drawing water into the large intestine which stimulates bowel movements. Here is a fun article about it: The Chemistry of Plums & Prunes: Constipation & Chewing Gum.
Some other benefits of a serving of prunes:
- 280 mg potassium (6% Daily Value)
- 23 mcg of vitamin K (20% of the Daily Value
- Contains B6, magnesium, riboflavin and niacin
- No cholesterol, no sodium and no fat
- Awesome flavor!
Read more about the benefits of prunes here: Healthline
And yes, Prunies® is made from whole prunes (except the pits, of course), skin and all.
All of the fiber, all of the sorbitol+, none of the wrinkly, squishy, sticky mess.
P.S. If you have not tried Prunies® yet and you are wondering if they will be effective for you, we do offer a free trial pack for only the cost of shipping ($3) – check it out!
Obvious disclaimer: I am not a physician and this is friendly information not medical advice 😊
Here is a link to some high-fiber foods on the Mayo Clinic website.